ZDF investiert in Medienkompetenz und schließt sich damit vielen Nachrichtenredaktionen an
Das ZDF hat die Initiative „ZDF goes Schule“ ins Leben gerufen und arbeitet mit Lie Detectors zusammen, um Medienkompetenz und die politische Bildung in Schulen zu fördern. Damit schließt sich das ZDF anderen europäischen Nachrichtenredaktionen an, welche die Rolle der Journalist*innen im Bereich Bildung erweitern.
Fake-News erkennen (In German)
Our Head of Germany and Switzerland Programme, Annkatrin Kaiser talks about the fake news phenomenon and the dangers of manipulated images.
ARD Jugendmedientag beim SR (In German)
ARD Youth Media Day at SR included a presentation about Lie Detectors mission and work. Read the article here.
Warum es Fake News gibt und wie man sie entlarvt (In German)
Read what Christian Diabl had to say about our work.
„Fake News“ auf dem Stundenplan – Wie Schulen Medienkompetenz stärken (In German)
Lie Detectors work mentioned in a radio segment about fake news and how young people can learn to evaluate information correctly.
Teacher Education in Digital & Media Literacy – effective Continuing Professional Development
Lie Detectors spoke at the Media & Learning webinar with a host of other speakers.
Hijacked elections and Covid sabotage: Calls to regulate against online disinformation
As more elections approach in the EU this year, the spread of disinformation on social networks is a bigger issue than ever. Listen to Juliane’s interview here.
Episode 18: Fighting Fake News – Is it censorship or necessary to preserve democracy?
Listen here for Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck’s interview.
Verschwörungsgläubige, Neonazis, Esoteriker – so reden Sie mit Menschen, die nur ihre eigene Wahrheit kennen (In German)
A diverse mix of conspiracy theorists, anti-vaccine advocates and neo-Nazis partipcated in Berlin’s COVID-19 protests, all with a common distrust of mainstream information. Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck offered insights on the importance of improving media literacy amoung young people to counter the corrosive issue of disinformation.
How to help your child spot fake news
Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck talks about how Lie Detectors empowers schoolchildren to identify propaganda and distorted facts online.
Kampf gegen Fake News im Klassenzimmer (In German)
Teri Shultz talks explores how Lie Detectors work to equip young media users to discern truth from falsehood.
How schools are fighting fake news
Financial Times journalist Simon Kuper sat in on one of our classroom visits in Molenbeek, Brussels. Read the full article here!
PRESS RELEASE: Lie Detectors wins European Digital Skills Award
Lie Detectors shortlisted for Digital Skills Awards 2018
Lie Detectors made it to the top 5 shortlisted projects in the Digital skills in education category of the European Digital Skills awards 2018 The European Commission launched the Awards to put the spotlight on projects which contribute to the development of digital skills in Europe. The finalists are invited to exhibit their project at the ICT 2018 conference in Vienna on 6 December 2018 in the presence of Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel.
Frühe Aufklärung gegen Fake News
Kinder kommen immer früher in Kontakt mit sozialen Medien und den darin verbreiteten Nachrichten. Um zu unterscheiden, was Tatsachen entspricht und was nicht, gibt es immer mehr Projekte, die Kinder in Sachen Medienkompetenz schulen. Lie Detectors ist eines davon und will mit Hilfe von Journalisten für mehr Aufklärung sorgen.

Foto: Pixabay (CC0)
Excellent clip of this year’s Leipzig Festival of Light, commemorating the city’s role as a centre of dissidence under Communism. Lie Detectors founder Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck was lucky to be invited to speak before an audience of 15,000 about journalists‘ role in rebuilding trust in facts. Some soundbites from 01:55.
Fake snus
The Europeans, the new political AFP podcast, interviewed Lie Detectors founder Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck about how to tackle fake news in classrooms, and about the efforts in this field by the European Commission’s High Level Expert Group on Fake News, of which Lie Detectors is a member. The Lie Detectors segment runs from 10:10 to 19:20.
Italy and the Rest of Europe Fight With “Fake News”
The Atlantic spoke with Lie Detectors for this great story on fake news, the Italian elections and the future of Europe.
The trouble with fighting fakes with facts
Europe’s fight against disinformation requires a trust in legitimate media, writes Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck.
Detecting fake news with Lie Detectors
Leipzig’s Festival of Light commemorates 1989 anniversary as powerful symbol of democracy (in German)
Media experts shine torch on fake news and propaganda (in German)
Schulprojekt: Mit Check gegen Fake-News
Truth defenders gather in Germany to challenge fake news and ’lying press’ smears
Lipsia. Combattere Fake-News Con L’Alfabetizzazione Digitale
Press Releases
Lie Detectors is delighted to announce that Christian Spahr has joined as their new Managing Director. Through this appointment, Lie Detectors is increasing its operational and leadership capacity with a new colleague who boasts exceptional experience in managing international organisations and diverse teams.
“We look forward enormously to working with Christian and to tapping his considerable talents in management, planning and strategising,” said Lie Detectors Founder and CEO Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck. “Christian joins us at a key juncture as Europe addresses rapidly developing educational needs in the context of digital citizenship and democratic resilience. We are confident that his highly-relevant expertise will contribute tremendously to the fulfilment of Lie Detectors mission at this critical time.”
Christian brings to his role experience as Secretary General of the Assembly of European Regions, a pan-European platform of 130 regional governments; as well as previous experience as a print and broadcast journalist; as former head of a media development cooperation programme; and as a spokesperson for the EU Commission.
“We need to strengthen democratic, open societies. Genuine dialogue is only possible through trust. Young people in particular must be able to recognise disinformation. I am very much looking forward to working with Juliane to further develop her highly successful concept of media education by journalists,” he said.
Independent media literacy organisation Lie Detectors is currently implementing a strategic plan with core organisational funding by the Wyss Foundation. As part of this, it is rolling out teacher-training seminars in multiple languages, working in multiplier partnerships and extending its offering across the EU.
The European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy will be in Zagreb in 2025.
The celebration of media literacy, ethical journalism and media pluralism will be in the beautiful Muzej suvremene umjetnosti on February 28 and March 1, 2025.
Pre-register here now to take part in meetings, discussions, workshops, screenings and award ceremonies around the topic of journalism, democracy and education at the Festival.
Lie Detectors will host several training workshops, with registration details to come.
For those developing innovative journalism and media literacy formats, there are ten Voices Awards worth €1,000 each available to apply for. Start your application here.
Voices is co-funded by the EU and brings together Lie Detectors, the European Broadcasting Union, the European Federation of Journalists, the European University Institute, Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, Savoir Devenir, EAVI – Media Literacy for Citizenship and Association Journalisme et Citoyenneté.
PRESS RELEASE by Lie Detectors, Faktabaari & Savoir*Devenir: European Commission’s drive to tackle Fake News and Digital Disinformation needs fast action on education and independent funding guarantees
All Digital Summit
Lie Detectors‘ team gave a lightning talk during the ALL DIGITAL Summit 2018 on how to break silos, build bridges and to boost trust in ethical journalism. The summit explored the significant role of digital skills to improve media literacy, addressing societal issues in a smart and inclusive way.
From News Literacy to ‘Newsgames’:
Conversations Celebrating World Press Freedom Day
International Journalism Festival
European Commission starts consultation to counter disinformation
Leipziger Lichtfest – Leipzig Festival of Light
We were extremely honoured to participate in the moving commemoration of the acts of bravery by Leipzig’s citizens in 1989, which helped bring about the peaceful end of communism and usher in democracy. The organisers of this beautiful event this year chose a focus on media freedom.
Media Meets Literacy in Sarajevo
LIE DETECTORS was excited to present its concept at the Media Meets Literacy conference, which was opened by luminaries Evgeny Morozov and Megan Boler and included dozens of participants from around the world working in dynamic, creative ways to address the challenges of a changing media world.
Campfire Festival for Journalism and New Media
Inaugural legal conference on Law in an Age of Hyperconnectivity
Media pluralism and the rule of law in the digital age
Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck participated in a panel discussion on the role of media and social media in promoting political debate.