Oktober 2024
ZDF investiert in Medienkompetenz und schließt sich damit vielen Nachrichtenredaktionen an
Das ZDF hat am 9. Oktober im ZDF-Hauptstadtstudio in Berlin sein Projekt „ZDF goes Schule“ gestartet.
In Kooperation mit Lie Detectors werden ZDF-Journalisten ab Anfang 2025 Schulen in Ostdeutschland besuchen.
October 2024
Press release
Lie Detectors welcomes a new Managing Director
Lie Detectors is delighted to announce that Christian Spahr has joined as our new Managing Director.
July 2024
Press Release
Voices - The European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy - will be in Zagreb in 2025.
The celebration of media literacy, ethical journalism and media pluralism will be in the beautiful Muzej suvremene umjetnosti on February 28 and March 1, 2025.
December 2023
Press Release
"Think Twice": Media literacy tips in a social media format
Lie Detectors has teamed up with the German Press Agency (dpa) to promote a new video series to counteract the spreading of false information online.
2 October
Press release
The first European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy
A consortium of seven European organisations, including Lie Detectors, has announced that it has been awarded a grant from the European Commission to organise the European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy.
May 2023
Press release
EBU teams up with Lie Detectors
Journalists of the European Broadcasting Union will bring greater understanding of online information and the work of journalists to schools.
May 2023
Journalists take Lie Detectors approach to Warsaw
Gabriela Baczynska and Anna Slojewska road-tested the Lie Detectors approach in Warsaw.
March 2023
Press report
An investigation into fake news
Lie Detectors helped the young FINNreporters tackle the challenge of fake news.
February 2023
Diversifying funding for Media Literacy
Join our webinar on diversified funding for non-profit media literacy organisations.
(August 2022)
Wilfried Rütten, 25.05.1952 – 30.07.2022
We’re terribly sad to share the news that our dear friend Willi Rütten, one of Lie Detectors’ strongest supporters, has died after a short illness.
(January 2022)
Journalists tell us about their visits
The Lie Detectors classroom visit spring surge will start in February. Watch what professional journalists say about the experience.
(July 2021)
Lie Detectors Data Briefing 2021
In July 2021, Lie Detectors presented new findings on the rapid development of adult and child use of online data, on the effectiveness of media literacy training delivered by journalists, and on the role of teachers acting as multipliers in fighting fake news.
(July 2021)
Building Resilience: Disinformation and Literacy in an Age of Digital Transformation
On July 8, 16:00 CET, Lie Detectors will host a webinar featuring Sandra Kalniete MEP, Andreas Schleicher, OECD Director of Education and Skills and Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck.
(May 2021)
Press Release
Lie Detectors starts visiting schools in Thuringia with MDR
Schools in Thuringia will be offered classroom sessions with journalists from MEDIEN360G, the media editorial office of MDR
(May 2021)
Press release
Lie Detectors launches in Switzerland
Swiss journalists join drive for news literacy at school, in Lie Detectors‘ cooperation with VSM
(January 2021)
Open letter
Every child a journalist: 77 journalists' resolution to empower critical minds
An Open Letter to the European Union institutions and member states
(July 2020)
COVID study teaser
(May 2020)
Tackling the #infodemic
Lie Detectors rolls out distance-learning format
(Sept 2019)
Lie Detectors Data analysis 2018-2019
Our journalists‘ Findings in the Classroom
(July 2019)
TV Broadcast
ZDF Heute plus follows Lie Detectors in a classroom
Cologne school kids get the visit of a Lie Detectors-trained journalist
(April 2019)
Tackling Disinformation Face to Face Webinar
A webinar for teachers as part of the eTwinning Spring Campaign 2019
(Jan 2019)
Press Release
Lie Detectors Launches in Austria
First workshop and school visits scheduled in Vienna
(Dec 2018)
TV Broadcast
Lie Detectors Teams Up with Germany’s ARD
Inside a Classroom Visit